The Good, Not Bad, and Ugly

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I had some photos I wanted to share from Thanksgiving.

Here is a lovely card my friend sent to me - look how GOOD it is!
Remember that Halloween collage I did and framed?  Well, I got smart when I made that one and went ahead and made one for Thanksgiving as well.  I love how it turned out - NOT BAD!

Have you seen the chalk craze lately?  Not only is blackboard chalk paint (which I hope to try soon) popular, now they have colored "chalk" colors.  Ok, this was much harder to work with than I thought it would be.  Below is my attempt.  Let's just say, I am not pleased with the results. U-G-L-Y (you ain't got no alibi...) It was difficult to do on a glass bell jar.  Streaky, watered down, ugh.  I contemplated not posting the below photo, but I finally gave in.  For those chalk - painting-lovers out there, where did I go wrong?!  I did 2 coats of paint too.  I did put in beans rather than rice to sit my votive on.  As my husband would say..."mer."
