Blessings abound

 Another year is coming to a close as I reflect on all of the blessings in my life.  I am truly thankful for so much as God continues to answer prayers.  We've had a great year with some traveling, good health, providing for us and being around family.  Here are some goodies since I last posted. Wishing you and yours a truly wonderful upcoming 2023.  Remember to keep HIM at the center of your life.  I'm not catholic but I do love St. Patrick's Prayer. I love how Christ is put at the forefront in, above, within, around, behind, above, etc.  This is how we should honor him everyday so he can do amazing things in our lives.

Blessings to you and yours. Remember to share a smile, be kind, encourage and pray for as many as you can!

a cute dog picture of our fur baby...
