
 I've been saving diligently to get a new computer.  Hence, my delay in blogging.  I have been setting aside money, trying to spend less, cutting corners.  Then life happens, and you make lemonade with your lemons.  My previous computer (Apple) has done it's job and is almost tapped out.  I've had it since 2010!  Yes, 10 year old computer that has been a champ!  I was so blessed to get it when we visited family after living in Turkey.  My desktop at the time (yes, with 20 pound tower) had bit the dust.  I loved my MacBook and treated that baby with love all these years.  However, everything comes to an end.  The battery holds a charge for 1 hour, the battery overheats, the touchpad goes haywire like a deflating balloon out of control, etc.  It was time.  I was ready!


After retirement, Kent couldn't find a job [except 6 1/2 hours from home] in March.  So he moved, we adjusted, and pressed on.  Then the air conditioner quit (3 weeks pretty much without AC in Florida), then COVID got worse, I used my savings for a new air conditioner, Kent was let go and moved back home, we received our $500+ electric bill, my son's dorm fridge quit (2 days ago)'s just never ending.  But God has provided and we didn't let our stimulus check go to waste! And I'm typing this from my new laptop.  I was even able to save on taxes using the back to school tax free weekend.  Thank you Lord!

Raising my glass of water to another 10 years on this computer!  Cheers!

I have actually made several cards over the past 4 months.  A friend asked me to make her about a dozen, I made my mother over 20 for her birthday, and several friends (recent and years gone by) have needed words of inspiration and encouragement.  So my outlet to post these photos had transitioned to instagram.  

Here are a couple of photos I'm sharing and I hope they make you smile as much as the receiver.  Remember - when you reach rock bottom, God is the rock at your bottom.
