Record setting

 Have you ever set a personal record only to miserably fail?  I'm sure we've all been there:

"I will clean out that closet"

"I will get that to-do list done today"

"I will go walking and get in some steps"

Today is November 2nd...and guess what?  I finished three Thanksgiving cards yesterday.  I'm super excited about it!  I know this may not sound like a big accomplishment to you, but to me this is huge.  I whipped them out like budda (aka butter) and it gave me such a joy inside. 

Is my craft room a mess? Yes
Is the house still in a little disarray?  Absolutely
Am I ok with it?  For now...
Wishing my readers a blessed November as we dive head first into the holidays. 
I have some easy personal records for you to consider:
*  Tell someone you love them and share a hug
*  Tell someone you're grateful for them
*  Praise our creator for the way He blesses your life.

You know what this means, right?  I need to start working on Christmas cards as I'm a little behind on that one...
