In His Awesomeness

Drinking tea this morning, I thought to myself, "It's been about a month since I posted in my blog.  I'll put up some new pictures."  I then proceeded to log on and my jaw dropped - it's been over 2 months?  How can that be??  So for anyone out there who does like to read my posts and look at my crafting addiction, thank for your patience!

Summer (of course) flew by and is over.  Done.  Finished.  It's good to get my kids back into a routine and out of the house and their laziness.  Yet, at the same time, my heart breaks for my daughter who is inundated with homework.  I'm not kidding.  Common core stinks and with that - my kid struggles!  2-3 hours of homework each night? Are you kidding me? And on weekends.  It's just not right.  I turned out smart (or so I think), educated, I have a college degree and I did just fine without the excessive homework she has.  It makes me wonder if the teachers are not teaching what they need.  That they are not getting the information across - my daughter is super smart (like her father) and she doesn't understand the geometry.  Three chapters/lessons ago she became lost and my heart breaks for her because I am NO help!  English?  Oh yes, I can help. Math?  Uh - nope. And her father works long military hours and his analytical mind doesn't fall under the "teaching" category.  He tries to explain, but she doesn't get it.  But through God's awesomeness, we will get through this!  (hopefully sooner than later).

We survived all the recent hurricanes unscathed.  It's all due to HIS awesomeness!  (and prayers from family/friends - thank you!)  Fall is on the calendar but not in the air.  It's been almost 90 degrees the past few weeks and the upcoming weeks ahead.  The long sleeve shirts will have to collect dust in my closet a little while longer.  On a side note, I did decorate my house for fall and it makes me miss the midwest and sugar maple trees!  To celebrate, we're having friends over for game night with Snicker apple salad, taco salad and eclair dessert.  :)

Here are some crafts I made this summer and working into fall.  There's also a beautiful sunset photo from last weekend I wanted to share.  Another shining example of His awesomeness!
