Things that make it more difficult...

There are several things that military families are faced with.  Life isn't always "housing provided and lots of fun traveling the world" like most people assume.  

Recent NEWS talks about potential government shut-downs, our furniture has dings and bumps from all our moves (and is second-hand most of the time), friends on base with contract jobs are axed (budget cuts), and family deaths are that much harder not being there in person.

My husband's aunt passed away yesterday.  As soon as I found out, I set out to try and contact him.   Mind you, he's deployed.  I can't just pick up the phone and call him.  I left him a Skype text, imessage text, and tried to call him 2x via facetime.  After no response, we just had to go about our evening and await his reply.

We won't be able to attend the funeral.  It would cost us over $3750 to fly my two children and me.  That stinks.  I wish I could be there to give support and condolences.  When we were in Turkey, my uncle and two great aunts (one was age 101) passed away.  I couldn't afford to attend their funerals either.  *sigh*

So I will celebrate Aunt Mary's life from across the pond and tell my husband how sorry I am thru the computer for his loss.  I will give my friend who is out of a job a thank you card for her dedication as a great choir director at church, and I will use a sharpee/marker to cover the dings on my furniture (Old English oil not available on the economy).  

Life goes on, some days will be harder than others, but that is L-I-F-E.  To me that is Living In Faith Everyday.  And God won't give us more than we can handle.  Blessed be HIS name!  Listen to this song for inspiration.  It helps me during those difficult days!
